
Self-Care is NOT Selfish!

Self-Care is not selfish!

Do you feel like the world is out of control? That there is so much suffering and angst and nothing that you can do to change it? I do not have answers about the world at large, but I do have suggestions/daily practices that can help to manage your feelings and find more peace and joy. Maybe if more people practice these methods, the world will become more peaceful and joyful. In the grand circus of life, finding joy and hope might feel like trying to catch confetti in a hurricane. Remeber laughter is the best medicine. Equip yourselves
with a hearty sense of humor and a dash of creativity, and let’s navigate these
crazy times with gratitude, kindness, forgiveness, and a spirit of joy.

Morning Rituals for Mere Mortals: Explore the power of a morning routine that doesn’t require waking up at 4 am or balancing on one foot while chanting affirmations. Share simple practices like savoring a cup of coffee in blissful silence, enjoying a brief nature walk, or spending a few moments with a good book or a good friend!

The Art of Saying “No” with Grace: Dive into the liberating magic of saying “no” without the guilt trip. Set boundaries and decline invitations with kindness. After all, you can’t pour from an empty cup, but you can refill it with a cup of tea (or your beverage of choice) and a good book.

Commuting Calm: Turn traffic frustration into a mobile haven of peace. Turn off your phone to calls & texts and turn up the volume to your favorite tunes, podcasts, or audiobooks. Or maybe enjoy some silence and embrace the lost art of daydreaming to make the journey as enjoyable as the destination.

Desk Zen: Transform your workspace into a haven of tranquility. From introducing plants and cozy lighting to decluttering with purpose, create an oasis amidst the office /home hustle.

Random Acts of Kindness: Spread kindness in small, everyday gestures. Whether it’s leaving a cheerful note for a colleague or surprising a neighbor with freshly baked cookies, joy is often found in the simple act of brightening someone else’s day.

Tech-Free Timeouts: Occasionally, unplug from the digital world, even if just for a short while. Give yourself and your family mini tech detoxes, such as device-free dinners, screen-free evenings, or a weekend day dedicated to analog activities. You can do it!

In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, the pursuit of joy need not be an extravagant quest. It’s often hidden in the simplicity of a quiet moment, a genuine connection, or a small act of kindness. May your days be filled with serenity, your moments be mindful, and your joy be as boundless as your imagination allows. Cheers to finding peace in the ordinary!

Real Estate News, a more positive outlook for 2024

As we enter 2024 there are hopeful signs for home buyers. Interest rates continued to drop through the month of December to a rate of about 6.7%, down from a high of 7.8% in October of last year. With the Fed signaling that additional cuts may be on the horizon this is creating optimism amongst buyers.

Lower interest rates may also help sellers make the decision to list their home. Inventory levels continue to be low as current owners with low-rate mortgages remain reluctant to sell. This has led to a continued decline in year-over-year transaction volume and inventory levels in the market. This low interest rate reluctance is what economists call “golden handcuffs”. Existing homeowners with low interest rates are unwilling to let go of that interest rate unless absolutely necessary. Needing more square footage or a desire to downsize is not enough of an incentive to sell in this higher interest rate atmosphere. Hopefully as rates continue to drop, we will reach a level acceptable to those homeowner looking to upgrade or downsize their current home.

For January, inventory remains stagnant in accordance with typical seasonal patterns, and low inventory continues to pressure home prices in the region, which were up about 5% year-over-year. According to Selma Hepp, chief economist for CoreLogic, “strong home price gains over the course of the year indicate that home prices in most Washington state markets have fully recovered from 2022 losses and are reaching new highs once again.”

CoreLogic’s Home Price Index forecasts another 3.5% appreciation over the course of 2024.